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The Dr. Ardis Show: Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington says climate engineering is the single most destructive human activity – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes
Government approves weather control “cloud seeding” operation in New Mexico in desperate bid to create rainfall
By Ethan Huff
Geo-nocide: Geoengineering could cause malaria resurgence in tropical countries
By Ethan Huff
TERRORFORMING hardware that removes CO2 from the atmosphere to destroy life on Earth suffers major setback from FREEZING temperatures
By Ethan Huff
Sierra snowpack falls to one of lowest levels in 72 years, perpetuating California drought
By Ethan Huff
Climate engineering: Weapon that can bring populations to their knees without them knowing they’re under attack
By Nolan Barton
Biden’s claim that deadly Midwestern storms stem from human-caused “climate change” ripped as “utter bulls**t” by real meteorologist
By JD Heyes
STUDY: Injecting sulfur into the atmosphere (as Bill Gates is doing) is a recipe for climate disaster
By Ethan Huff
The gigantic pink elephant in the room no one is talking about at the UN’s COP26 conference is that a ‘confluence of events’ has the planned annihilation of the human race accelerating
By News Editors
Expert warns of “weaponized weather” being used against US power grids
By Ramon Tomey
Geoengineering and weather modification: The dangers of environmental modification techniques
By Mary Villareal
Critical rail lines across Europe closing for “months” following biblical flooding
By Ethan Huff
Hundreds dead and thousands homeless as flooding ravages Western Europe
By Cassie B.
ENGINEERED ICE AGE: Congress funds NOAA scientist for geoengineering project to cool the Earth by artificially dimming the sun
By Cassie B.
Playing God: US government funds geoengineering, a controversial and deadly “backup plan” to alter Earth’s atmosphere in the name of “climate science”
By Cassie B.
Deadly tropical cyclone creates new island and lake in Indonesia
By Divina Ramirez
Many geoengineering projects are still underway despite experts’ warning against climate modification
By Virgilio Marin
Swedish space agency calls off inaugural test of Bill Gates’ terraforming experiment that could doom planet Earth to mass extinction
By Nolan Barton
Bill Gates wants to release massive amounts of chalk into the stratosphere to block the sun – what could go wrong?
By Divina Ramirez
EXPOSED: Chemtrails hint at ongoing “New Manhattan Project” to alter Earth’s atmosphere
By Cassie B.
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